This book is one of the best sellers in the business management books. Peter Drucker published on April 14, 1993. In this book, he mentioned important things in business management. There are five important philosophies, which are the ability to set up an adequate target, ability to organize, communication ability, evaluation and measurement ability, and problem-solving skills. In this book, he stated that these skills are necessary for people who manage the subordinate person. This book has a lot of essential philosophy and this philosophy is not only for people who are in management positions but also for people who are not management positions. If a businessman has knowledge of this book’s knowledge, they can do their work better. From the next paragraph, I will explain what these skills are and how important these skills for business management.

The ability to set up an adequate target is necessary for a management person because they have to set up an appropriate target to make the right direction. For example, if a company sells $100,000 in a month, then managers make a bit high target to $150,000 in a month, but if managers make an impossible target like $1,000,000, it is difficult to achieve that sales and employees are lost motivation and it seems impossible. Thereby, the manager has to decide an appropriate target for other employees. This is the importance of setting up an adequate goal/ target.

Secondly, the ability to organize is also important for management. Organize means that bind people together and look in the same direction. For example, if five people assigned one task such as increasing jewelry sales, then one person would think that the current problem is low awareness, other people think they need more high-quality products, and the other three people think that problem is store location. Then, each person starts in a different direction by themselves. It’s not as a team. In this situation, their team’s mission would not work because that is not organized as a team. Everyone is looking in a different direction and has a strategy. Therefore, if a company wants to increase its total revenue and company awareness, they need a good employee who can manage the other employee and take care of their company’s profit.

Thirdly, communication ability is also important for a manager. In this book, Drucker said that high communication skills are necessary to lead the team and to make a huge profit because if employees make wrong communication with each other, achieving a goal seems impossible. If a team does not communicate with each other, their work seems difficult, but team communication is appropriate, their work will be successful. Thereby, a manager’s role is to make a good mood and a good connection in a team and workplace because it has a huge good effect on the team and the company itself.

Fourthly, Drucker talked about the importance of evaluation and measurement ability. A company needs people who can evaluate and measure appropriately. Each person has a different goal, purpose, needs, and desire. That means people have different thoughts and results in their work. Then, they want a relevant evaluation from their boss or leader, however, if the leader and boss do not give an appropriate assessment to workers, they would lose their passion and trust in their boss and leaders.

Finally, problem-solving skills are also important for business management. There are a lot of important philosophies in the business fields, for example, Facebook leaked user information a few years ago. Facebook had to solve this problem as soon as possible because if they made a wrong decision, they had a possibility to decrease their revenue and reliance. This example is quite huge but there are a lot of small problems that occurred in every business field, so managers must have problem-solving skills to take control of the situation. Moreover, the manager has to solve both the near future and the distant future. Managers have to expect those possible problems in the future and conceivable solutions before the problem happen. That is a good way to avoid problems.

In conclusion, Peter F. Drucker mentioned five important philosophies for management. There are the ability to set up an adequate target, ability to organize, communication ability, evaluation and measurement ability, and problem-solving skills. These philosophies are essential in the business fields to increase a company’s awareness and revenue. In addition, it is necessary for any kind of business company even if it is a startup.


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